miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Ejercicio de la Unidad II (Estructura de la Oración)

Ejercicio de la UNIDAD II

Estructura de Oración

1. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su experticia.



Democracy is a form of government in which all people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal (and more or less direct) participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law. It can also encompass social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. The term comes from the Greek: δημοκρατία – (dēmokratía) "rule of the people",[1] which was coined from δῆμος (dêmos) "people" and κράτος (Kratos) "power", in the middle of the 5th-4th century BC to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city-states, notably Athens following a popular uprising in 508 BC.[2]

According to some theories of democracy, popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system.[3] However, the democratic principle has also been expressed as "the freedom to call something into being which did not exist before, which was not given… and which therefore, strictly speaking, could not be known."[4] This type of freedom, which is connected to human "natality," or the capacity to begin anew, sees democracy as "not only a political system… [but] an ideal, an aspiration, really, intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to be human—of what it is a human should be to be fully human."[5]

While there is no specific, universally accepted definition of 'democracy',[6] equality and freedom have both been identified as important characteristics of democracy since ancient times.[7] These principles are reflected in all citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to legislative processes. For example, in a representative democracy, every vote has equal weight, no unreasonable restrictions can apply to anyone seeking to become a representative, and the freedom of its citizens is secured by legitimized rights and liberties which are generally protected by a constitution

2. Idea principal del texto (en español). Explique que dice el texto en sus propias palabras

R= Explica el concepto muy amplio de la Democracia, sus fundamentos, sus ventajas, de donde proviene el termino Democracy que proviene de la palabra griega DEMOKRATIA, explica sobre la intervención de las instituciones sobre las acciones del estado, y sobre todo habla del derecho de igualdad de todas las personas.

3. Seleccione tres oraciones dentro del texto e indique: La frase nominal, su núcleo, pre y post modificadores, la frase verbal, su núcleo, el tiempo verbal de la oración. Además 2 ejemplos de elementos referenciales

1.- is a form of government in which all people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives

Frase Nominal
Premodificadores del núcleo
Núcleo de la FN
Postmodificadores del núcleo
Frase Verbal
Núcleo de la FV
Tiempo Verbal

2.- According to some theories of democracy, popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system.

Frase Nominal
Premodificadores del núcleo
Núcleo de la FN
Postmodificadores del núcleo
Frase Verbal
Núcleo de la FV
Tiempo Verbal

3.- This type of freedom, which is connected to human "natality," or the capacity to begin anew, sees democracy as "not only a political system

Frase Nominal
Premodificadores del núcleo
Núcleo de la FN
Postmodificadores del núcleo
Frase Verbal
Núcleo de la FV
Tiempo Verbal

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